Monday, January 6, 2014

Miscarriage #1

I think the worst thing about trying to start a family is all the waiting. You have to wait to ovulate, then you wait two weeks to see if you're actually pregnant. If you're not, you wait again and the cycle continues.

After my first miscarriage, I had to have a D&C. For those of you who don't know what that is, well, it sucks. It's not painful because you are under anesthesia, but it causes a lot more waiting. It's a surgical process to remove the tissue that your body chose not to "get rid of" or "miscarry" on its own.

After the procedure (which takes about 40 minutes) you wait for the bleeding and cramps to stop and then you wait for your period (yay, more bleeding!). Well, after my first D&C, the bleeding got worse and the cramps were awful and we realized that something wasn't "right." A scheduled follow-up trip to the OBGYN found the culprit. The D&C hadn't been completely successful and there was still a small piece of tissue inside (or as they delightfully call it: remaining products of conception). We scheduled a SECOND D&C for later in the week.

While waiting for my 2nd procedure, the pain became intolderable (while on my summer vacation--away from home--at a lake house). The only place in the house where I was remotely comfortable was on the toilet (see, I told you shit was about to get real). It was awful and uncomfortable. Good thing I didn't have dinner guests. Oh wait, yeah, I did. Awkard.

After a call to the emergency line at my doctor's office I was told that my body was basically trying to get the tissue out on its own. It was as if my own body had gone into a process similar to labor. I'm not going to lie, those 24 hours seriously made me want to give up because DAMN, labor hurts. A prescription for Vicodin and lots of sleep made the rest of the week bearable. Good thing I wasn't interviewing for teaching jobs the whole week. Oh wait, yeah, I was. Uncomfortable.

So, two D&C's later and I just had to once again, wait. And wait. And wait.

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